some of you might think that after what that guy said about me that you really think im a dude whos gay well im not if you been on that guys page he bes mean and hes trying to say hes nice hes just saying that because he thinks hes better. my life sucks if anyone one of you think that your life is worse not a chance my sister left me to go party and drink and to have sex she ruined my life and i really miss her my friend will come on this page and say forget about her well im not going to.this is the guy that thinks im gay and that guys name is-589763-thats his name if that dude treats everybody like that he treats his parents like that. so plz dont belive him.
i dont mean to sound rude but your sis is kid of a bitch
lildevil102 (Updated )
i dont kare really she is but after all she is still my sister